Kids Ministries

We can't wait to meet you this Sunday


As the future generation and our lasting legacy, children are a top priority for Shore Light. We strive to provide a vibrant, Bible-centered program for the children of our church. Each week, dozens of kids learn about Jesus and interact with their peers through kids connect groups, junior church, or our Wednesday evening Truth Trackers program. 

Our children's workers are thoroughly screened and trained to ensure a safe and happy environment for your child. For questions about our children's ministry, email us at


We welcome you and your child to this ministry of our church. Our nursery is for infants and toddlers up to 4 years old. We join with you in a vitally important task: the nurturing of your child’s development.
It is astonishing how few years a child is in the home and how little time our church has to minister to them as children. Our prayer is for each child to grow up in a Christian home, and for each of us to exhibit understanding and cooperation as we work together for the good of your child. Loving nursery workers provide a clean and safe environment with a state of the art security and paging system. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Bible classes or one of the worship services.


Guiding Children to Lock in Truth and Live Out Faith
At Truth Trackers, we're dedicated to empowering parents to disciple children with God-centered resources that anchor their faith. Our program is designed to teach doctrinal truths through engaging Scripture memory, daily devotions, and impactful weekly lessons.

Children not only can, but need to be intentionally discipled to know and apply God’s truth by faith. That’s why our curriculum is crafted to support families and churches in this vital mission.

Through Bible Memory, Bible Devotions, and Bible Lessons, Truth Trackers helps children lock in truth and live out their faith, growing closer to God each day. Join us in this exciting journey of faith and discipleship!


Psalm 127:3 reminds us that “children are an heritage of the Lord.” At Lighthouse, we work very hard to prepare a high-quality children’s program. One of the ways we invest in our children’s ministry is by participating in a program called Ministry Safe. This comprehensive system of background checks and volunteer training helps to ensure that we are teaching our children in the safest possible environment.
To learn more about the benefits of this program, visit

Ministry Safe